Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Exchange 2007 : Common Commands

Here are some common command used in exchange server 2007:-

get-help verb/noun -detailed

User Objects
get-user sort-object name
get-user Measure-Object
get-user sort-object name -descending
get-user "name" format-list
get-user where-object {$_.distinguishedname -ilike '*ou=sales,dc=domain,dc=com'} Enable-mailbox -database 'servername\databasename'
get-user -filter {(recipienttype - eq 'user') - and (city -eq 'cityname')}

enable-mailuser -identity name -externalemailaddress
enable-mailbox "displayname" -database "storagegroup\database"
set-mailbox name -hiddenfromaddresslistsenabled $true/$false -prohibitsendquota unlimited -primarysmtpaddress ""
new-mailbox -userprincipalname "" -alias name -database "name" -name name -organizationalunit name -Firstname name -lastname name -displayname "first last"
get-mailbox -database "server\database"
move-mailbox name -targetdatabase "server\database"
add-mailboxpermission name -user name -accessrights fullaccess
new-distributiongroup -name "name" -organizationalunit "name" -samacccountname "name" -type "security"
set-distributiongroup name -hiddenfromaddresslist $true
new-mailcontact -name "display name" -externalsmtpaddress "" -organizationalunit contractors
set-contact "name" -company "name"
enable-mailcontact "name" -externalemailaddress ""
get-mailboxstatistics "username" format-list
get-mailboxstatistics -server "name" format-list
get-mailboxstatistics -server "name" sort-object -property totalitemsize

Meeting Resources
new-mailbox -userprincipalname "" -alias name -database "name" -name name -organizationalunit name -displayname "name" -room/-equipment
set-mailboxcalendarsettings name -automateProcessings autoaccept
set-mailboxcalendarsettings name -resourcedelegate name

Mail Store
get-mailboxdatabase -server name set-mailboxdatabase -issuewarningquota 100mb -prohibitsendquota 100mb
mount-database databasename
dismount-database databasename
new-storagegroup name -server name
new-mailboxdatabase name -storagegroup name

Public Folders
new-publicfolder name -server name
set-publicfolder \name -replicas "server\database","server2\database2"
get-publicfolder \name
set-publicfolderdatabase "server\database" -usecustomreferralserverlist $true/$false -publicfolderreferralserverlist $null
enable-mailpublicfolder -i "\foldername"

new-accepteddomain -name "name" -domainname -domaintype authoritative
new-emailaddresspolicy -name "name" -includedrecipients allrecipients -conditionaldepartment "departmentname" -enabledemailaddresstemplate: "",""
set-emailaddresspolicy "name" -Priority #
update-emailaddresspolicy "policyname"

Edge Transport
new-edgesubscription -filename "filelocation"

Address List
new-addresslist -name "listname" -conditionaldepartment "departmentname" -includedrecipients mailboxusers -container "containername"
update-addresslist "listname"


set-outlookprovider exch -server "servername"
set-autodiscovervirtualdirectory -externalurl URL -internalurl URL -path "location"

Out of Office
set-mailbox name -externaloofoptions internalonly/external

Outlook Web Access (OWA)
set-owavirtualdirectory -externalurl URL -internalurl URL

Monday, October 12, 2009

New certificate in Exchange 2007

New-ExchangeCertificate -generaterequest:1 -domainname,,, -privatekeyexportable:1 -path c:\cert1.txt -force:1


1. Generate certificate using web access to your Certification authority - logon as administrator

2. Export certificate to a location on the disk… c:\cert.pfx

3. Import-ExchangeCertificate -Path c:\cert.pfx –Password:(Get-Credential).password
the Get-Credential will open popup windows for credentials.

4. Enable-ExchangeCertificate -thumbprint 5ACC9A5D90E2CFDBCD6E25CD02362B851266810 -Services “IIS,POP,SMTP,IMAP”

5.Get-ExchangeCertificate get all certificate list.

To remove old certificates:

Remove-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint …………

Friday, October 9, 2009

Exchange Server 2007 CCR Configuration.

Exchange server 2007 introduces new features for high of them is Cluster Continuous Replication (CCR).This feature uses log shipping and replay with windows active /passive cluster setup.

you need following in order to configure CCR.

A Windows 2003 Active Directory forest with at least one Domain Controller
Two Windows 2003 Server R2 Enterprise Editions or Windows 2003 Server SP2 Enterprise Editions.
One Windows File share Witness (Microsoft recommends this to be an Exchange 2007 Hub Transport Server in the existing Exchange 2007 organization)

When you start the servers that are to be the nodes in the cluster, start by naming the machines E2K7Node1 and E2K7Node2 or whatever naming scheme you want to use (these names have nothing to do with the Exchange server name which your clients will be configured to connect to later on). Now name the two network connections Public and Private for the external and the internal network respectively (remember to do this on both nodes).

Click Advanced > Advanced Settings, make sure Public is listed first on the binding order list, then Private and lastly Remote Access Connections.

Before Exchange 2007 SP1 released, it was also recommended to disable File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks for the private network as shown in Figure 3. However, when SP1 released this guidance changed, since Exchange 2007 SP1 introduced a new cmdlet named Enable-ContinuousReplicationHostName. This cmdlet makes it possible to specify over which network log files should be ship and seeded. So no matter whether you deploy CCR on Windows 2003 or Windows 2008 based servers, please don’t disable File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks for the private network.

Configure the Public network with the respective network settings you use in your test environment.

Configure the Private network with an IP address and a subnet mask. Nothing else is required since this network is only used for communication (heartbeats) between the nodes in the cluster.

Now click Advanced then select the DNS tab. Here you should untick both Register this connection's addresses in DNS and Use this connection's DNS suffix.

Click the WINS tab. Untick Enable LMHOSTS lookup and select Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP.

Click OK three times and close the network connections window.

Now add both Windows 2003 Servers as member servers in your Active Directory test domain.

Creating and Configuring the Windows 2003 Server Cluster
Now that the two servers are ready to act as nodes in a Windows 2003 cluster, it’s time to create the actual Windows 2003 Server Cluster. In order to do so logon to E2K7Node1 with a Domain admin account, then click Start > Administrative Tools > Cluster Administrator, and select Create new cluster in the drop-down box. Now click OK.

You can also open a command prompt and type Cluster.exe /create /wizard in order to start the cluster wizard.

Click Next.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Migration to exchange 2007

Exchange Server 2007 does not support in-place upgrades,because exchange 2007 in production environment run only on 64Bit hardware.
Exchange Server 2003 will run on 64-bit hardware, but only if it is running a 32-bit operating system. This difference in required operating systems makes an in-place upgrade impossible

you have to migrate by getting new hardware for exchange 2007,and install exchange in current domain or in current forest.then you have to migrate mailboxes from exchange 2003 by using command shell or by using management console.
64-bit operating systems have a much larger memory address space than their 32-bit counterparts, and that this larger address space facilitates the creation of larger Exchange databases. Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition did not impose a database size limit, but there was a practical limit to the size to which a database could grow that was based on hardware constraints. These constraints have all but vanished from Exchange in Exchange

Server 2007, allowing you the freedom to create some truly massive databases.
The biggest thing to keep in mind is that Exchange Server 2007 modifies the Active Directory schema during installation. Therefore, I recommend making a full system backup of your domain controllers prior to installing Exchange.

Now install exchange server 2007 according to the requirement,typical or custom.
when installation completes,it time to migrate the mailboxes from exchange 2003 to exchange 2007.

- convert exchange 2003 to native mode.

Migrating mailboxes is simple: go to your Exchange 2007 server and open the Exchange Management Console. When the console opens, navigate through the console tree to Recipient Configuration Mailbox.When you click on Mailbox, the console's detail pane will display a list of mailbox in the entire Exchange Server organization,right click one or more mailbox and click "Move"

Installation of IBM FileNet CE 4.0:

FileNet Contant Engine can be installed with anyone of the databases like SQL Server,Oracle and DB2.
One application server is also required for CE installation. you can use one of the Application Server with CE from
- Bea Weblogic 8.1.6 or 9.0
- JBoss Application Server 4.0.5(Only one version with support CE 4.0)
- Websphere 6.0/6.1
Installation of CE with Bea Weblogic and SQL Server 2000
- install Bea weblogic server version mentioned above.
- install SQL server 2000 with SP3 /SP4
- Copy latest JDBC driver for SQL- Add "weblogic.jar" file path to class path
- copy "sqljdbc.jar" from JDBC driver directory to SQl server and Weblogic "Bin" directory.
- copy "xa_install.sql" and "sqljdbc_xa.dll" to SQL server Binn directory.
- Run "xa_install.sql" script by selecting "MASTER" database.
- Restart the Weblogic Application Server.
- In the weblogic console create two connection pool for CE,by selecting Bea driver.
- Create DSN using above pool.
- Install CE 4.0.

IBM FileNet Business Process Framework 4.1

For BPF installation ,you need:--
A fully functional IBM FileNet Environment having PE,CE,and AE configured.
- Workplace is Working
- Create 3 or 4 user in AD
- Create 5 roles is Workplace and assign different user to different role.
- download jtds driver "" from and install it
- copy "JtdsXA.dll " and jtds-1.2.2.jar from the driver directory to the BINN folder in Bea andSQL server installation directory.
- run Script ''instjtds.sql" inside the driver directory by selecting "master database".
- Start setup by clicking "WINDOWSfilenet_bpf_setup.exe" when asked JDBC driver locationenter"C:\bea\weblogic81\server\lib"After installation completes,
Install BPF Explorer available inside the BPF source directory.
- Define Role in BPF explorer also.
if you have more than one Object Store in CE,and BPF preferences object Store is different form Workplace Preferences object Store ,then you have problem in opening the BPF application homepage.You have to save BPF preference and Workplace preference in same object store.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sysprep in Windows Server 2008 using Virtual Environment

Sysprep in windows servr 2008 is defferent than Windows Sever 2003.
Sysprep is installed by default when you install windows serer 2008. The default location is "c:\windows\system3\sysprep" if windows installtion is in C drive.

You need an unattendant.xml file to deploy sysprep in server 2008.
Instal WAIK(Windows Automation Installtion Kit).Then copy install.wim file from server 2008 source DVD to location in cdrive e.g: "c:\serer2008\sources" and create xml can save the file as sysprep.xml in the default location mentioned above.

Open command prompt and change location to sysprep folder and run the command.

"sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:sysprep.xml"

after prearation the system shut you can clone the VHD file ad create copies as you like.
If you are using Hyper V then only copy VHD is not sufficet you need to export the VHD and clone the whole folder and create copies.

Hope this will help you

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Exchange Server 2007

System-wide Requirements:
steps to install exchange server 2007 on windows server 2003.
  1. Install Windows server SP2
  2. Install Power Shell
  3. Install Dot Net 2.0 Sp1
  4. Install Hot Fix Pack "NDP20-KB926776-X86"
  5. Raise doamin funtional level from mix mode to Native mode.
  6. Run "C:\ /PrepareSchema" to prepare schema
  7. Run "C:\ /PrepareAD" you need to run preps the current domain, adds the Exchange Universal Security Groups and configures the Exchange objects with AD. The command

Optional Command if you have more than one DC

  1. /PrepareDomain – Prepares the current domain
  2. /PrepareDomain:FQDN of target domain to be prepped
  3. /PrepareAllDomains – Prepares all domains in the forest.

Click Setup to continue installation.

Steps to install exchange server 2007 on windows server 2008.

  1. Install IIS/Web Server Role.
  2. Install Power Shell from feature in Server Manager
  3. You must install Ldifde.exe by running 'ServerManagerCmd -i RSAT-ADDS' this command will install all prerequisites like prepareSchema and PrepareAD etc.
  4. Click Setup to continue installation.
  5. Choose typical or Custom Installation option
  6. Here’s the best practice to use when determining role installation order:

    1. Client Access Server: Preps the environment for users to use the new services.
    2. Hub Transport Server: Required for most inter-role and inter-server communication.
    3. Mailbox Server: Holds mailboxes, but in order to access or handle mail, requires that a Client Access Server and Hub Transport Server be in place.
    4. Unified Messaging: Depends on all of the other roles to do its work.

    The Edge Transport Server is not included in this list since it stands alone and cannot coexist with any of the above roles. If you do decide to use an Edge Transport Server, it’s best to install this role after you have a functioning Hub Transport Server since these two systems will be intertwined.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2007

Requirements of Sharepoint 2007 :

1) MicrosoftWindows Server 2003
2) IIS 6.0
3) Dot Net Framework 2.0
4) Workflow foundation (Available with Dot Net Framework 3.0)Unzip DotNet 3.0 and install
5) SQL Server 2005 or SQL Express Edition.


When you create new web application ,the application created successfully but the home page cannot opened and it give an information:
" HTTP/1.1 404 Connection: close Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2008 19:28:00 GMT Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0 X-Powered-By: ASP.NET MicrosoftSharePointTeamServices:"
this is not an error, infact this new application have no "site collections" by default, you have to create site collections by selecting this application.
select "Collaboration Portal" template during site collection creation.
Now your new application is ready to open.
