Saturday, January 13, 2018

Update server 2003R2 to server 2008

 ERROR:- uninstall the Windows PowerShell 1.0

When you start the setup ,it check the compatibility and gave some error that uninstall the Windows PowerShell 1.0 and you never found the KB  in windows add remove components.

the easy option is to download registry crawler and search all the entries contain PowerShell ,select all the entries and remove.
Now go to windows\system32\powershell and remove that folder. and also go to Windows\SysWOW64\Windows\and remove powershell folder.

Now you are ready to go for up-gradation to server 2008.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Exchange Database Recovery

How to Recover a Corrupt Exchange Database
  1. Be sure there are no hardware issues and that the File System is intact (run chkdsk /r and repeat until it doesn’t return errors), restore from backup is preferable if possible.
  2. Add the Exchange bin to the “path” statement
    1. Start -> Right click my computer -> properties -> advanced Tab -> environment variables (scroll down if you have to)
    2. In the bottom pane double click “path”
    3. Go to the end of the line enter a semi-colon and enter the path to the exchange bin directory
  3. Verify that there is twice as much free space as the size of the database,
    i.e if the database is 10 gb you need to have at least 20 gb free
  4. Open command prompt
  5. Change to the directory where the database is (usually C:\program files\exchsrv\mdbdata, if you cant find the database search for *.edb)
  6. Type eseutil /mh > (usually priv1.edb)
    1. Look for the shutdown state (may have to scroll up) , if its in clean shutdown then you should be able to mount the database, but chances are if your reading this its in a dirty shutdown and you need to continue on
  7. Type eseutil /k  (usually priv1.edb) look for “Bad Checksums” if you have any, your repair possibility will be slim (just make a note of it)
  8. Type eseutil /ml e00 we are looking for any missing logs (if none missing go on to step 9)
    1. if there are any we have to move all subsequent logs. and the e00 log to another location, rename the last log to e00.log
    2. Example we have logs E00021-E00035 and E00033 is missing, remove E00, E00034 and E00035
  9. Re-name the .chk file to .oldchk
  10. Type eseutil /r E00
    1. Wait for that to complete, if it completes successfully move on to 11 otherwise run “P”
      1. P. eseutil /p this will force the database into a clean shutdown and will rip out any incomplete pages, this should only be done as a last resort
  11. Start information store service, verify that the store is mounted in Exchange System Manager (ESM), if its not mounted right click and mount
    1. Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft Exchange -> System Manager
    2. Expand Administrative Group -> Administrative group -> Servers -> {Server name} -> {Storage Group}
    3. Right Click Mailbox store -> mount
  12. Dismount the store in ESM
  13. Go back to the command window
    1. type isinteg –s -fix –test alltests
    2. When prompted select the store that you repaired
    3. If any fixes are reported re-run until none are reported (just like chkdsk)
  14. Type eseutil /d > (usually priv1.edb)
  15. Remount the database and should now be able to send receive mail
Command DescriptionEseutil is a Jet database repair utility
Switch Action
/D Defragments the database
/R Soft recovery of the database
/G Integrity Check
/K Checksum
/P Hard Repair
/ML Log File dump
/MH Database file dump
/Y Copy
/C Restore

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Exchange server 2010 Export Mailbox

To export the mailbox of User A(Alias: User.A) to the folder that has been created C:\UserPST
                 Export-Mailbox -Identity User -PstFolderPath C:\User.pst
To export all the mailboxes from a mailbox database (Database1)
                 Get-Mailbox -Database “Database1” -ResultSize Unlimited | Export-Mailbox -PstFolderPath C:\UserPST 

To Export all the mailboxes from a server (ServerA)
                 Get-Mailbox -Server ServerA -ResultSize Unlimited | Export-Mailbox -PstFolderPath C:\UserPST

To Export all the mailboxes from all the Exchange servers and databases in an Exchange Organization
                 Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Export-Mailbox -PstFolderPath C:\UserPST 


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

NDR List of Codes and their meanings

Code Explanation of Non-Delivery Report error codes
4.2.2 The recipient has exceeded their mailbox limit. It could also be that the delivery directory on the Virtual server has exceeded its limit. (Default 22 MB)
4.3.1 Not enough disk space on the delivery server. Microsoft say this NDR maybe reported as out-of-memory error.
4.3.2 Classic temporary problem, the Administrator has frozen the queue.
4.4.1 Intermittent network connection. The server has not yet responded. Classic temporary problem. If it persists, you will also a 5.4.x status code error.
4.4.2 The server started to deliver the message but then the connection was broken.
4.4.6 Too many hops. Most likely, the message is looping.
4.4.7 Problem with a timeout. Check receiving server connectors.
4.4.9 A DNS problem. Check your smart host setting on the SMTP connector. For example, check correct SMTP format. Also, use square brackets in the IP address [] You can get this same NDR error if you have been deleting routing groups.
4.6.5 Multi-language situation. Your server does not have the correct language code page installed.
5.0.0 SMTP 500 reply code means an unrecognised command. You get this NDR when you make a typing mistake when you manually try to send email via telnet.
More likely, a routing group error, no routing connector, or no suitable address space in the connector. (Try adding * in the address space)
This status code is a general error message in Exchange 2000. In fact Microsoft introduced a service pack to make sure now get a more specific code.
5.1.x Problem with email address.
5.1.0 Often seen with contacts. Check the recipient address.
5.1.1 Another problem with the recipient address. Possibly the user was moved to another server in Active Directory. Maybe an Outlook client replied to a message while offline.
5.1.3 Another problem with contacts. Address field maybe empty. Check the address information.
5.1.4 Two objects have the same address, which confuses the categorizer.
5.1.5 Destination mailbox address invalid.
5.1.6 Problem with homeMDB or msExchHomeServerName - check how many users are affected. Sometimes running RUS (Recipient Update Service) cures this problem. Mailbox may have moved.
5.1.7 Problem with senders mail attribute, check properties sheet in ADUC.
5.2.x NDR caused by a problem with the large size of the email.
5.2.1 The message is too large. Else it could be a permissions problem. Check the recipient's mailbox.
5.2.2 Sadly, the recipient has exceeded their mailbox limit.
5.2.3 Recipient cannot receive messages this big. Server or connector limit exceeded.
5.2.4 Most likely, a distribution list or group is trying to send an email. Check where the expansion server is situated.
5.3.0 Problem with MTA, maybe someone has been editing the registry to disable the MTA / Store driver.
5.3.1 Mail system full. Possibly a Standard edition of Exchange reached the 16 GB limit.
5.3.2 System not accepting network messages. Look outside Exchange for a connectivity problem.
5.3.3 Remote server has insufficient disk space to hold email. Check SMTP log.
5.3.4 Message too big. Check limits, System Policy, connector, virtual server.
5.3.5 Multiple Virtual Servers are using the same IP address and port. See Microsoft TechNet article: 321721 Sharing SMTP. Email probably looping.
5.4.0 DNS Problem. Check the Smart host, or check your DNS. It means that there is no DNS server that can resolve this email address. Could be Virtual Server SMTP address.
5.4.1 No answer from host. Not Exchange's fault check connections.
5.4.2 Bad connection.
5.4.3 Routing server failure. No available route.
5.4.4 Cannot find the next hop, check the Routing Group Connector. Perhaps you have Exchange servers in different Routing Groups, but no connector.
5.4.6 Tricky looping problem, a contact has the same email address as an Active Directory user. One user is probably using an Alternate Recipient with the same email address as a contact.
5.4.7 Delivery time-out. Message is taking too long to be delivered.
5.4.8 Microsoft advise, check your recipient policy. SMTP address should be
5.5.0 Underlying SMTP 500 error. Our server tried ehlo, the recipient's server did not understand and returned a 550 or 500 error. Set up SMTP logging.
5.5.2 Possibly the disk holding the operating system is full. Or could be a syntax error if you are executing SMTP from a telnet shell.
5.5.3 More than 5,000 recipients. Check the Global Settings, Message Delivery properties.
5.5.5 Wrong protocol version
5.6.3 More than 250 attachments.
5.7.1 Permissions problem. For some reason the sender is not allowed to email this account. Perhaps an anonymous user is trying to send mail to a distribution list.
Check SMTP Virtual Server Access Tab. Try checking this box: Allow computers which successfully authenticate to relay
User may have a manually created email address that does not match a System Policy.
5.7.2 Distribution list cannot expand and so is unable to deliver its messages.
5.7.3 Check external IP address of ISA server. Make sure it matches the SMTP publishing rule.
5.7.4 Extra security features not supported. Check delivery server settings
5.7.5 Cryptographic failure. Try a plain message with encryption.
5.7.6 Certificate problem, encryption level maybe to high.
5.7.7 Message integrity problem.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Private Key not Exportable

When you want to export exchange certificate from CAS ,the "export private key" is greyed out and you are not able to export the private key.

this means you not mention "-private keyexportabel" in certificate request. the correct command for certificate request is :

using this command you mention all alternative name of organization like server names,

New-ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest -SubjectName "C=com, O=organization name," -DomainName * -PrivateKeyExportable $true -Path c:\cert.req

Exchange Certificate Error

when you enable exchange certificate for services SMTT,IIS you got error.
Dir cert:\LocalMachine\My | fl
Enable-ExchangeCertificate -thumbprint 58fA55B9F5AB52635E7CBd4895F7757ACC07C4 -services "IIS,SMTP"

Enable-ExchangeCertificate : The certificate with thumbprint was found but is not valid for use with Exchange Server (reason: SigningNotSupported).
At line:1 char:27
+ enable-exchangecertificate  <<<< -thumbprint -services "SMTP"


 Open Microsoft Management Console  by clicking Start, Run, mmc.exe and add certificate snapin
Double-click the imported certificate that is in the Personal folder.
Click the Details tab.
Click Serial Number in the Field column, highlight the serial number, and then write it down.
Open a command prompt.
Type: certutil -repairstore my "SerialNumber" (SerialNumber is the serial number that you wrote down in step 4.)
In the Certificates snap-in, right-click Certificates, and then click Refresh. The certificate now has an associated private key.
To verify that the issue is resolved, run the Get-ExchangeCertificate cmdlet which should now show the correct certificate.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Exchange 2007 : Common Commands

Here are some common command used in exchange server 2007:-

get-help verb/noun -detailed

User Objects
get-user sort-object name
get-user Measure-Object
get-user sort-object name -descending
get-user "name" format-list
get-user where-object {$_.distinguishedname -ilike '*ou=sales,dc=domain,dc=com'} Enable-mailbox -database 'servername\databasename'
get-user -filter {(recipienttype - eq 'user') - and (city -eq 'cityname')}

enable-mailuser -identity name -externalemailaddress
enable-mailbox "displayname" -database "storagegroup\database"
set-mailbox name -hiddenfromaddresslistsenabled $true/$false -prohibitsendquota unlimited -primarysmtpaddress ""
new-mailbox -userprincipalname "" -alias name -database "name" -name name -organizationalunit name -Firstname name -lastname name -displayname "first last"
get-mailbox -database "server\database"
move-mailbox name -targetdatabase "server\database"
add-mailboxpermission name -user name -accessrights fullaccess
new-distributiongroup -name "name" -organizationalunit "name" -samacccountname "name" -type "security"
set-distributiongroup name -hiddenfromaddresslist $true
new-mailcontact -name "display name" -externalsmtpaddress "" -organizationalunit contractors
set-contact "name" -company "name"
enable-mailcontact "name" -externalemailaddress ""
get-mailboxstatistics "username" format-list
get-mailboxstatistics -server "name" format-list
get-mailboxstatistics -server "name" sort-object -property totalitemsize

Meeting Resources
new-mailbox -userprincipalname "" -alias name -database "name" -name name -organizationalunit name -displayname "name" -room/-equipment
set-mailboxcalendarsettings name -automateProcessings autoaccept
set-mailboxcalendarsettings name -resourcedelegate name

Mail Store
get-mailboxdatabase -server name set-mailboxdatabase -issuewarningquota 100mb -prohibitsendquota 100mb
mount-database databasename
dismount-database databasename
new-storagegroup name -server name
new-mailboxdatabase name -storagegroup name

Public Folders
new-publicfolder name -server name
set-publicfolder \name -replicas "server\database","server2\database2"
get-publicfolder \name
set-publicfolderdatabase "server\database" -usecustomreferralserverlist $true/$false -publicfolderreferralserverlist $null
enable-mailpublicfolder -i "\foldername"

new-accepteddomain -name "name" -domainname -domaintype authoritative
new-emailaddresspolicy -name "name" -includedrecipients allrecipients -conditionaldepartment "departmentname" -enabledemailaddresstemplate: "",""
set-emailaddresspolicy "name" -Priority #
update-emailaddresspolicy "policyname"

Edge Transport
new-edgesubscription -filename "filelocation"

Address List
new-addresslist -name "listname" -conditionaldepartment "departmentname" -includedrecipients mailboxusers -container "containername"
update-addresslist "listname"


set-outlookprovider exch -server "servername"
set-autodiscovervirtualdirectory -externalurl URL -internalurl URL -path "location"

Out of Office
set-mailbox name -externaloofoptions internalonly/external

Outlook Web Access (OWA)
set-owavirtualdirectory -externalurl URL -internalurl URL
